Donate to Almanzo

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Here at Almanzo we are committed to providing world-class events that remain absolutely free to all who choose to enter. Since 2007 a small band of devoted volunteers has offered up their time and asked nothing in return. They represent the best of the Almanzo; individuals committed to changing the landscape that is bicycle racing.

Our mission has always been bigger than the Almanzo alone; our goal has been to inspire other riders, and we can still succeed. If only 10% of the riders who came to the Almanzo went home and created their own events, we’d all have free rides year round.

Yet, at the same time we’re breaking records and inspiring others, we’ve reached a tipping point that threatens our very existence, and we need your help now more than ever.

By offering a modest financial contribution, you add your name to a list a people dedicated not only to keeping the Almanzo alive, but to spreading this idea of free bicycle racing across the country.

Please consider donating any amount you are comfortable with.

By banding together, we can all get a free ride.

Much Respect & Humility,
Chris Skogen

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