Posts By: Skogen
2014 Almanzo Finish Roster
Posted June 5, 2014 @ 9:38pm | by Skogen
Below are the results for the 2014 Almanzo. If you don't see your name listed and know that you finished, we apologize. Chances are that we couldn't see your number as you crossed the line...
2014 Final Update
Posted May 8, 2014 @ 4:44pm | by Skogen
A little last minute detail update. If you've got questions, please ask and we'll do our best to get them answered. We are in the...
2014 Rosters
Posted February 10, 2014 @ 9:58am | by Skogen
The rosters have been posted. If there are changes, please let us know. Follow this link to see them and other updates!
A Night in the Backyard
Posted November 25, 2013 @ 9:25am | by Skogen
Another week has passed and again I find myself in front of the computer trying to put my thoughts into words. Frankly, my post from last week still has me reflecting, but I did get a few things...