Posted Under: Race
Posted June 10, 2013 @ 10:11am | by Skogen
We know there are lots of tires to choose from when making a selection for gravel roads. We're curious to know what you rode or have ridden at Almanzo in the past. Let us know as we try to...
Thank You.
Posted May 29, 2013 @ 6:12am | by Skogen
The Almanzo is many things to many people and to me it is something very unique and special. To me it is something that I can very rarely put into words. In the days that have followed the races...
Almanzo Results
Posted May 23, 2013 @ 6:07pm | by Skogen
Here are the results from the 2013 Almanzo 100. As we did with the Royal, the names have been left of to protect the innocent (and because we haven't made it to step two in the transfer...
Royal Results
Posted May 22, 2013 @ 2:06pm | by Skogen
Finally. We have the results for the Royal 162. We have left the names off of this prelimenary finish line roster to protect the innocent against the USAC/UCI overlords. Actually, the transfer...
Navigation to the Start
Posted May 16, 2013 @ 2:21pm | by Skogen
Need an address to get you to the start line? Here is where we'll be setting up shop to get you signed in, answer your questions, etc... Spring Valley Community Center 100 S...